Monday, January 4, 2021

Best .NET Core Microservices course online

 If you are looking to learn Microservices in .NET Core or .NET 5 then this post might hep you. It provides a list of best online courses on Microservices using .NET Core.

###Why Microservices with .NET Core or .NET 5?###

With the release of .NET 5 its clear that .NET is going to be cross-platform and open source. Also, due to its modular, scalable nature, . NET Core is best used with Microservices.

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##Top courses on Microservices using .NET Core##

Here is the list of top .NET Core Microservices courses online that we have curated for you.

  1. Getting Started .NET Core Microservices RabbitMQ
  2. Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5
  3. .NET Core Microservices
  4. Building Microservices with .NET - The Basics
  5. Building microservices using core 5.0 and docker

###1. Getting Started .NET Core Microservices RabbitMQ ###

  • Rating: 4.3/5 (1124 ratings)
  • Duration: 4.5 hours

> Build .NET Core Microservices using RabbitMQ Messaging

What do you learn from this?

  • .Net Core Microservices
  • RabbitMQ
  • Messaging
  • Architecture

More details about this course - Getting Started .NET Core Microservices RabbitMQ

###2. Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5 ###

  • Rating: 4.1/5 (758 ratings)
  • Duration: 13.5 hours

> Building Microservices on .Net which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ,Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB,Redis,SqlServer

What do you learn from this?

  • ASPNET Core Web API Development of Microservices
  • REST API Principles, CRUD Operations
  • Mongo DB and Redis NoSQL Database Connection on Docker
  • Entity Framework Core with SQL Server Database Connection on Docker
  • N-Layer implementation with Repository Pattern
  • Clean Architecture implementation with CQRS Pattern
  • Swagger Open API implementation
  • RabbitMQ Publish Event Queue When Checkout Cart
  • Consuming RabbitMQ Messages from Ordering Microservices
  • Base EventBus Implementation and Add References Microservices
  • Implementation of MediatR, Autofac, FluentValidator, AutoMapper
  • Ocelot API Gateway Development of Microservices
  • ASPNET Core Web Application with Razor Pages
  • Call Ocelot APIs with HttpClientFactory
  • Docker Compose Establishments
  • Dockerization of Microservices

More details about this course here - Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5

###3. .NET Core Microservices ###

  • Rating: 3.8/5 (1053 ratings)
  • Duration: 4 hours

> Build distributed system using microservices architecture

What do you learn from this?

  • Use .NET Core platform to build a microservices architecture
  • Send messages through distributed system with the RabbitMQ service bus
  • Store data in the NoSQL database, MongoDB
  • Store user identities and authenticating requests using JWT
  • Deploy the application to the cloud with Docker and Docker Compose
  • Explore commands, events, handlers and other design patterns
  • Delve into unit- and integration-testing the distributed system

More details about this course here - .NET Core Microservices

###4. Building Microservices with .NET - The Basics ###

  • Rating: NA. Pretty new course but looks promising.
  • Duration: 6.5 hours

> Get started building microservices with the .NET platform from scratch. Step by step.

What do you learn from this?

  • Microservices architecture fundamentals, pros and cons
  • How to create .NET 5 based microservices from scratch using Visual Studio Code
  • Use C# 9 record types to define DTOs and message contracts used by the microservices
  • How to implement the common operations of a microservices REST API
  • Implement common design patterns used with microservices like repository, retries with exponential backoff and circuit breaker
  • Use individual MongoDB NoSQL databases for exclusive use by each microservice
  • Use Docker and Docker Compose to run services like MongoDB and RabbitMQ in your box to support your microservices
  • Use Swagger/OpenAPI and Postman to explore and interact with your microservice APIs
  • Implement resilient inter-service communication via IHttpClientFactory and Polly
  • Implement asynchronous inter-service communication via RabbitMQ and MassTransit
  • Implement eventual data consistency by replicating data across microservices
  • Create NuGet packages to share reusable logic and message contracts across microservices
  • Build two microservices of an end to end application where players can purchase game items with virtual currency

More details about this course here - Building Microservices with .NET - The Basics

###5. Building microservices using core 5.0 and docker###

  • Rating: 4.1(90 ratings)
  • Duration: 5.5 hours

> Building Event-Driven Microservices apps Using AspNet Core 5.0, Rabbitmq, Masstransit, Face detection and SignalR Core

What do you learn from this?

  • building event-driven microservices apps using aspnet core 5.0, rabbitmq,masstransit, signalr core and face detection

More details about this course here - Building microservices using core 5.0 and docker

Hope this helps you!! Please do share if you like :)